Texts: Zaner-Bloser Manuscript Handwriting with Continuous Stroke Alphabet
General Goals: Students will acieve proper pencil grip and use of writing guidelines. Students will learn to correctly form each letter and numeral and practice for fluency. Students will use the keys to legibility (size, shape, and spacing)as they improve their handwriting skills on both lined and unlined paper.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Pp. 5-39 Extra emphasis and time spent on writing numerals to prepare students for Math Minute quizzes.
Term 2 – Pp. 40-79
Term 3 – Pp. 80-99
Term 4 – Pp 100-116
Texts: Harcourt Collections Writing Program
General Goals: Students will write informally and formally, utilizing sound/spelling relationships, initial capitalization and ending punctuation. Students will write simple and complete sentences in a legible hand.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Use lower case letters appropriately, use spaces between words, write from top to bottom, left to right, wrap text, make a list, choose a topic, use what is known about letters and sounds to write complete thoughts called sentences, make sure sentences have all their parts (beginning capital, ending punctuation), tell what is happening in a picture, write for others, listen to others’ writing.
Term 2 – Edit for beginning capitalization and ending punctuation including questions, identify naming and telling parts of sentences, nouns, describing words. Introduce the writing process with extend a story, expository report in Science, how-to instructions.
Term 3 – List and organize information, avoid excessive use of and and then. Write personal story, write directions to a location, complete a book report for Social Studies.
Term 4 – Use dictionary to check spelling, use action words (verbs), make comparisons (metaphors, similes, superlatives), write dialogue. Publish a story including character, setting, problem, solution, write sentences in a paragraph.
Texts: Harcourt Collections
General Goals: Students will demonstrate various word identification cues such as graphophonic and context cues, to read and comprehend multiple syllable words in isolation and story context to include inflections, contractions, compound words and possessives. Students will read high frequency words and other selected vocabulary within and without context to identify synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Students will read regularly in independent-level and instructional level materials in a variety of literary forms. Students will listen and respond orally to daily read-alouds. Students will write informally and formally utilizing sound/spelling relationships, initial capitalization and ending punctuation. Students will write simple and complete sentences in a legible hand. Students will demonstrate clear, accurate, meaningful speech in a variety of performance assessment contexts such as oral reports, oral reading, play-acting and informal communication.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Theme 1 Open Doors; Begin Theme 2 You’re Invited.
Term 2 – Theme 2 You’re Invited, Begin Theme 3 Bright Ideas.
Term 3 – Theme 3 Bright Ideas; Begin Theme 4 Welcome Home.
Term 4 – Theme 4 Welcome Home. Theme 5 Set Sail is taught with an independent study approach.
Texts: Silver-Burdett-Ginn Mathematics Gr. 1
General Goals: Recognize place value (tens and ones) and number order (to 100). Accurately perform mathematical procedures (comparing numbers, writing a number sentence, etc.). Recall basic addition and subtraction facts to 10. Apply mathematical concepts to problem solving including mental computation. Demonstrate basic understanding of geometry, measurement, graphing, fractions, time, and money.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Chapters 1 Exploring numbers and patterns; Chapter 2 Understanding addition; Chapter 3 Understanding subtraction.
Term 2 – Chapter 4 Basic fact strategies; Chapter 6 Numbers to 100; Chapter 5 Geometry and fractions.
Term 3 – Chapter 8 Relating Addition and Subtraction; Chapter 7 Money; Chapter 9 Time and Probability.
Term 4 – Chapter 10 Measurement; Chapter 11 Addition and Subtraction to 18; 2-digit addition and subtraction.
Texts: Varied
General Goals: To recognize God as the Master Designer in all areas of science and creation. To have opportunities to explore earth science, life science including health and human body, and physical science at their developmental and maturity levels. To know basic objective science concepts. To be introduced to the process of scientific inquiry. To understand how science affects their daily lives.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Weather, water cycle, seasons.
Term 2 – Living/nonliving things; mammals.
Term 3 – You and Your Body – an introduction to major body organs and their functions.
Term 4 – Movement – laws of motion, force, friction, gravity.
Texts: Varied
General Goals:
Geography: The students will perceive maps and demonstrate understanding of map skills (cardinal directions, key, continents, oceans, equator, hemispheres, poles, countries, streets, etc.)
History: Perceives historical sequence and life lessons from history. Society and Culture: Recognizes and appreciates various peoples and cultures and their communities.
Citizenship: Demonstrates understanding of personal responsibility.
Economics: Identifies goods/services/needs/wants/jobs
Goals By Term
Term 1 – The above goals are achieved through the study of Papua New Guinea.
Term 2 – The above goals are achieved through the study of the U.S.A.
Term 3 – The above goals are achieved through the study of Australia.
Term 4 – The above goals are achieved through the study of a 4th passport country represented in that year’s class. Units have been prepared for England, South Africa, Germany, and Switzerland with a variety of resources.
Texts: Positive Action for Christ – Level 1, Doctrine Questions and Answers
General Goals: Students will follow the Positive Action for Christ materials designed for grade 1 – Enjoying God’s Gifts. First graders will learn that all we have comes from God and that the ultimate gift that God gave us is His Son, Jesus Christ. Stories from everyday life are used to encourage the development of inner character traits. Students will learn the NCA Question and Answers through 36.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Lessons 1-7 Creation-Noah. Memory Verses: Genesis 1:1; 1:31a; Genesis 1:27; Ephesians 6:1-3; Q&A’s #1-11.
Term 2 – Lessons 8-16 Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Josiah, Joash, Christmas Story. Memory Verses: Genesis 9:11c; Genesis 12:2a; Genesis 28:15b; Proverbs 3:5,6; Luke 1:49; Luke 2:7; Luke 2:11. Q&A’s #12-21. Teach books of the Old Testament.
Term 3 – Lessons 17-24 Life of Jesus; Memory Verses: Luke 2:52; Matthew 4:19; Luke 18:16; Ephesians 4:32; Matthew 14:27b; Mark 10:52a; John 10:11. Q&A’s # 22-28. Teach books of the New Testament.
Term 4 – Lessons 25-35 Jesus’ death and resurrection, There is usually only time to choose 2 of the following 3 subjects: Hannah/Samuel; David; Elijah. John 3:16; Psalm 23. Q&A’s #29-36. Students practice finding verses in their Bibles.