General Goals: Students will review proper manuscript letter formation, pencil grip, and paper position. Students will be introduced to cursive writing and instructed how to form each letter correctly. Daily practice will help the students gain experience in cursive writing. Students will be encouraged to do self-evaluation of their work.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Pages 5 – 41 – Review of manuscript writing.
Term 2 – Pages 42 – 77 – Learning all the lowercase letters in cursive.
Term 3 – Pages 78 – 108 – Begin learning uppercase letters in cursive.
Term 4 – Pages 109 – 126 – Finish learning all the uppercase letters in cursive.
General Goals: Students will demonstrate various word identification cues such as graphophonic and context cues to read and comprehend multiple syllable words in isolation and story context to include inflections, contractions, compound words and possessives. Students will read high frequency words and other selected vocabulary within and without context to identify synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Students will read regularly in independent-level and instructional level materials in a variety of literary forms. Students will listen and respond orally to daily read-alouds. Students will identify the subject and predicate of simple sentences and the functions of nouns, describing words, and verbs. Students will write informally and formally utilizing sound/spelling relationships, initial capitalization and ending punctuation. Students will write expository, narrative, and descriptive paragraphs as well as friendly letters.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Pages covered in grammar reflect the corresponding units in reading and spelling. Covered through page 33. Writing ideas are also introduced in reading curriculum.
Term 2 – Covered through page 63 in grammar.
Term 3 – Covered through page 91 in grammar.
Term 4 – Finished the book with several extra days. Supplemented with phonics worksheets and other grammar worksheets.
Texts: Harcourt 2nd Grade Language Arts curriculum, Harcourt Practice Books 1 and 2, Harcourt Spelling
General Goals: Students will demonstrate various word identification cues such as graphophonic and context cues to read and comprehend multiple syllable words in isolation and story context to include inflections, contractions, compound words and possessives. Students will read high frequency words and other selected vocabulary within and without context to identify synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Students will read regularly in independent-level and instructional level materials in a variety of literary forms. Students will listen and respond orally to daily read-alouds. Students will identify the subject and predicate of simple sentences and the functions of nouns, describing words, and verbs. Students will write informally and formally utilizing sound/spelling relationships, initial capitalization and ending punctuation. Students will write expository, narrative, and descriptive paragraphs as well as friendly letters.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Comprehensive story units from themes 1 – 2 ~ Something New
Term 2 – Comprehensive story units from themes 2 – 4~ Something New / Imagine That!
Term 3 – Comprehensive story units from themes 4 – 5 ~ Imagine That!
Term 4 – Comprehensive story units from themes 6 ~ Imagine That!
General Goals: Recognize place value to the thousands. Accurately perform mathematical procedures (comparing numbers, writing a number sentence, relating base blocks to regrouping, etc.). Recall basic addition and subtraction facts to 20 and multiplication facts for 0s, 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s. Apply mathematical concepts to problem solving including mental computation. Demonstrate basic understanding of geometry, measurement (using metric & imperial tools), graphing, fractions (up to quarters), time (up to 5 minutes), and money (recognize coins and dollars). Develop proficiency with column addition/subtraction up to three-digit numbers.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3 (lessons 1 – 6).
Term 2 – Ch. 3 (lessons 7 on), Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6 (lessons 1 – 4).
Term 3 – Ch. 6 (lessons 5 on), Ch. 7, Ch. 8.
Term 4 – Ch. 9, 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12.