Texts: Zaner Bloser Handwriting – Level 3 – Copyright 2008
Goals By Term
Term 1 – pp. 10 – 41 Reviewing basic strokes, forming lowercase letters beginning with undercurve, and numbers.
Term 2 – pp. 42 – 83 Downcurve beginnings, overcurve beginnings, begin capital letters with backward oval and overcurve loop letters.
Term 3 – pp. 84 – 119 Capital letters with loop curve, forward oval, double curve loop, and undercurve loop.
Term 4 – pp. 118 – end of book, practice pages with smaller lines used at end of term for practice after the book was finished.
Texts: Harcourt
Students will write informative, narrative, and descriptive papers of at least 1-paragraph length in cursive, using the writing process of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Students will identify the subject and predicate of simple and complex sentences and will learn the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, and the proper use of end punctuation.
Given oral presentation of subject matter, students will identify and share main points, and copy from visually presented material. Students will participate in classroom and small group discussion with relevance. Students will be taught spelling based on phonetic families in an integrated language arts program. Students will begin writing all assignments in cursive.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Writing: Narrative, descriptive paragraph, a story, personal narrative, timed narrative, paragraph of information, how-to paragraph.
Grammar: sentences, statements / questions, commands / exclamations, subject / predicate, compound subjects and predicates, compound sentences, common & proper nouns
Term 2 – Writing: News story, paragraph of information, persuasive paragraph, persuasive letter, paragraph that compares.
Grammar: Singular and plural nouns, singular possessive nouns, plural possessive nouns, abbreviations, singular and plural pronouns, subject pronouns, object pronouns, adjectives.
Term 3 – Students begin writing all work in cursive beginning in term 3.
Writing: paragraph that contrasts, paragraph that classifies, comparison and contrast, research report, present tense verbs, subject/verb agreement.
Grammar: adjectives, articles, action verbs, main and helping verbs.
Term 4 – Writing: unrhymed poem, friendly letter, rhymed poem.
Grammar: past tense verbs, irregular verbs, the verb “be”, contractions, adverbs, comparing with adverbs.
Texts: Harcourt Hidden Surprises / Journeys of Wonder
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Book selections from Themes 1 – 2 Hidden Surprises.
Term 2 – Book selections from Themes 2 – 4 Hidden Surprises / Journeys of Wonder.
Term 3 – Book selections from Themes 4 – 5 Journeys of Wonder.
Term 4 – Book selections from Themes 5 – 6 Journeys of Wonder.
Texts: Silver-Burdett-Ginn Mathematics Grade 3
Goals By Term
Term 1 – pp. 6 – 99 Place value and rounding, counting money, addition, fact families, mental math, estimating, regrouping in addition. Also in Terms 1 and 2 students completed daily timed addition and subtraction Mad Minutes.
Term 2 – pp. 100 – 221 Estimating differences, subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers, regrouping in subtraction, subtracting across zeros, telling time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour, elapsed time, measurement in customary and metric units of length and volume, temperature, intro to multiplication, multiplying by 2’s through 8’s.
Term 3 – pp. 224 – 343 Multiplying by 9’s, multiplying 3 numbers, collecting and organizing data from graphs and charts, ordered pairs, exploring division, dividing by 2’s through 9’s. Beginning in term 3 students completed daily timed multiplication Mad Minutes. In term 4 they move from thirty problems to 40 problems and use division Mad Minutes.
Term 4 – pp. 344 – 487 exploring remainders, plane figures, lines, line segments, angles, congruent/similar, symmetry, perimeter, space figures, volume, fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a single digit number, dividing by 2 digit numbers.