Texts: A Beka K4 Curriculum
General Goals: Students will read one-syllable short vowel words in isolation and story context. Students should be able to read D level books with the majority of students being able to read E level books by the end of the school year. Students will properly write all upper and lower case letters in manuscript in isolation and within word context. Students will sound out and write words of up to three letters. Students will be able to give focused attention to the teacher or an audio-visual program for at least 15-20 minutes. Students will be able to verbally express themselves in English during show-and-tell and by answering direct questions.
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Write first name correctly, Know the sounds of the vowels and the first few consonants, Intentify upper and lower case letters, Hold the pencil properly, Proper formation of the letters covered this far, Begin blending a consonant with a vowel
Term 2 – Identify letter sounds, Initial sound in a word, Continue blending skills, Learn more of the consonants (sounds, writing, names of letters).
Term 3 – Continued introduction of letter sounds and proper formation of letters, Begin reading simple readers with short vowel words, Proper spacing between letters and words, Begin Spelling (Consonant-vowel-consonant words), Creative Writing – write 1 to 2 sentences using inventive spelling, Write last name correctly.
Term 4 – Finish up the consonants, Spelling, Creative writing, Identify rhyming words, Understand punction marks, color words.
Texts: Silver Burdett Ginn
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Ch. 1-Sorting and Classifying, Ch. 2-Patterns, Ch. 3-Numbers to 5
Term 2 – Ch. 3 (Continued), Ch. 4-Shapes, Ch. 5-Numbers 6 to 12
Term 3 – Ch. 6-Measurement, Ch. 7-Time and Money
Term 4 – Ch. 8-Greater Numbers (11-20), Ch. 9-Exploring Addition, Ch. 10-Exploring Substraction
Texts: Positive Action for Christ – Level K (Learning About God), Supplemented with lessons from Bible for Today – PS/K
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Lessons 1 – 8, Memory Passages: Matthew 6:9-13 (KJV), John 14:1-3
Term 2 – Lessons 9 – 14, 21, & 22, Memory Passages: John 14:4-6, Luke 2:8-12
Term 3 – Lessons 15 – 24, Memory Passages: “I am” Verses from the book of John, I Corinthians 13:4,5
Term 4 – Lessons 25- 35, Memory Passages: I Corinthians 13: 6,7, Psalm 1:1-6
Texts: None
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Five Senses, Personal health and cleanliness
Term 2 – Personal safety, Weather
Term 3 – Science in the toy box – types of motion, Space
Term 4 – Learning about animals
Texts: None
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Concepts of family (Bible class)
Term 2 – Cultural and historical events – Calendar time and Bible class (Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, etc)
Term 3 – Maps/globes (Science class) Holidays (Easter)
Term 4 – Holidays (Mother’s Day)
Texts: None
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Keeping the beat, octave, high/low notes, loud/soft, quarter note, PNG national anthem.
Term 2 – Quarter rest, echo clapping, eigth note.
Term 3 – Music staff, Treble Clef, notes on staff/ line or space, notes ascending and descending.
Term 4 – Half note, Bass Clef, whole note. Notes have names (A-G). Each has a place on the music staff.
Texts: None
Goals By Term
Term 1 – Body awareness, personal space, general space, moving in various ways (animal walks, hopping), various warm up exercises, playing games / following the rules.
Term 2 – Moving in various ways (jumping, sliding, galloping, leaping, stopping, dodging, bending/ stretching, various warm up exercises), playing games / following the rules.
Term 3 – Bicycle safety, ball skills.
Term 4 – Track and field events, kickball, volleyball, jumping rope.